Saturday, April 4, 2020

the miracle working power of your subconscious mind

How to Use The Power of Subconscious Mind To Succeed

the power of your subconscious is enormous. it guides you, and it reveals scenes,facts,information,knowledge from the store house of your memory.
your subconscious mind never sleeps or rest it is always on work. the subconscious mind controls all the vital functions of your body and knows the answer to all your can discover the miracle working power of your subconscious mind by plainly stating to your subconscious prior to sleep that you wish a certain specific thing accomplished. you will be delighted to discover that forces within you will be released leading to desired result.
your subconscious mind is the source of your ideal,aspiration and altruistic was through subconscious mind that Shakespeare  perceived truths hidden from the average man of his day. undoubtedly it was the response of his subconscious mind. it enabled the Italian scientist Raphael to paint Madonnas,and Ludwig van Beethoven to compose symphonies.

Conscious Mind 10% versus the Subconscious Mind 90% | Subconscious ...
there was a doctor named Dr.James Esdaille, a scotch surgeon, who worked in Bengal before ether or other modern methods of anesthesia were discovered,between 1843 and 1846,  dr.Esdaille performed about four hundred major operations of all kinds, such as amputations,removal of tumors and cancerous growth, as well as operations on the eye,ear and throat. all operations were conducted under mental anesthesia only the post operative mortality rate of patients operated on by Dr.Esdialle was extremely low,probably two or three patient.patients felt no pain and there were no deaths during operation. dr.Esdaille suggested to the subconscious mind of his patients,who were in hypnotic state,that no infection or septic condition would develop.

the reason for low mortality rate and the general absence of infection, which was reduced to minimum was due to suggestions of Dr.Esdialle to the subconscious mind of the patients.they responded according to the nature of his suggestions.all these reveal to you that there is a power and intelligence within you that far transcends your intellect.all these experiences cause you to rejoice and believe the miracle working power of your subconscious mind.

your subconscious mind is book of your life

Your subconscious mind is 30000 times more powerful than your ...
whatever thoughts,beliefs,opinions,theories,or dogmas you write,engrave,or impress on your subconscious mind, you shall experience them as objective manifestation of circumstances,condition and event. what you write on the inside,you will experience on the outside . you have two sides to your life,objective and subjective,visible and invisible,thought and its manifestation.

your brain receives your thought which ixs the organ of your conscious reasoning mind.when your conscious and objective mind accepts the thought completely it is sent to the solar plexus,called the brain of your mind ,where it becomes flesh and  is made manifest in your experience.

your subconscious cannot argue . it acts only from what you write on accepts your verdict or the conclusions of your conscious mind as a final.this is why you are writing on the book of life,because your thoughts become your experiences.

                             THE MAN IS WHAT HE THINKS ALL DAY LONG

Image Young Relaxed Girl Sitting Desk Stock Image | Download Nowso if you really want to achieve something or get successful feed your conscious mind with the information related to that and do this thing - go to a sleepy and relaxed state and say to yourself that you can achieve anything be it good grades, success in business or something else which you want to achieve just relax and affirm and do not force yourself you have to be relaxed and during this process imagine yourself achieving that goal remember that it is the most important step to imagine yourself achieving your desire . you have to make a mental movie in mind that you have achieved your goal.

for example-  if your goal is to top the college with good grades just go into a sleepy and relaxed state affirm that u have got 90% and make a mental picture that you scored 90% and now every one is giving you respect and congratulating you. your teachers are proud of you and your parents are happy. your friends are also happy and feeling proud.

the main objective for doing this is that your subconscious mind brings to you what u express on it.
when you affirm and imagine this things everyday your subconscious mind will bring that thing to you.but many people miss the part of imagining and making a mental movie remember you have to make a complete mental movie while in sleeping state. remember your sub conscious mind brings what you feed your mind so be aware of negative thoughts for yourselves as well as for others.always think positive for others also.

so that's it for now. there are many topics left in this we will talk about everything in detail.
tell me in comment what you liked and did not liked in thisͪ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Introduction to subconscious mind

U all may already heard about subconscious mind. But do u all know its actual meaning and how to use it for benefit?if ur answer is no here i am to tell you all about that.
Every person have two minds, first is conscious and second is subconscious.

Our conscious mind is in our control and it needs rest but our subconscious mind is not under our control and it does not rest either.
For example, when you are sleeping your conscious mind takes rest but you can breath while sleeping and your internal body organs are still working . Ever wonder about who controls that while we are sleeping? Its our subconscious mind. You can achieve any thing if u know the proper use of your sub conscious mind. You should know that the infinite power lies within you and your sub conscious mind. Many people use these techniques which i will tell you but they dont know that they are using their subconscious mind. U can achieve a great success in any field be it business,studies,relationship,etc. U have that power to achieve anything inside your sub conscious mind.

So thats it for now this was just an introduction part. In coming blogs i will tell you about how to use your sub conscious mind for your profits and benefits and to become a good person. I have divided this topic in several parts. So be with me and support and we will grow together๐ŸคŸ.
And dont forget to comment and tell me if u liked it๐Ÿ˜….
Just be with me and we will climb the ladder to success together.i bet these blogs will change your life and the way u think๐Ÿ˜‡.

the miracle working power of your subconscious mind the power of your subconscious is enormous. it guides you, and it reveals scenes,facts,information...